Entries by Ian

It is not over

Ever felt like it was ‘over’? Have you ever reached the point where it felt like it was all over. The phone call at 4am from the hospital? A last minute change that meant the deal wasn’t going ahead. That relationship you thought was so solid… but is now lost beyond recognition. A natural disaster, […]

What Every Successful Person Has

Successful People Have These 5 Things In Common Why is it that some people are more successful than others? What separates a successful person from everyone who wishes they could achieve what they did? Or better still, is there even any difference at all? Well yes, there is a difference between a successful person and […]

7 Ways to score more wins

How would you like to have more wins? Particularly when it comes to achieving those goals we really want to see happen, winning is great! Missing out on a win however, is not so fun… so here’s a few thoughts on how you can hit your goals more often. Keys to achieving more wins #1 […]

11 Benefits of stepping outside of your comfort zone

The advantages to getting a little out of your comfort zone You’ve been there too haven’t you, those times where you’re on the edge of your comfort zone? That moment where you’re confronted with an opportunity to meet someone new, take on that project, go to that event, start that course of study or embark […]

7 Reasons You Should Try Again

Why you may want to try again… It is all too easy to presume that things should work first time, but often they don’t, and often you’re just going to have to try again… so here’s some reasons why you should.   We’ve all been there, haven’t we? The excitement of trying something new, telling our […]

7 Keys to selecting the best books for you to read

Finding The Best Books For You Ever wondered how to know what are the best books would for you to read? Whilst most of us agree that reading is a great habit, let’s face it… we’ve only got time to read so many books. A great book can equip and inspire, but what book is great for […]

5 Reasons to Chase A Big Dream

Some Benefits of Having and Pursuing a Big Dream When it comes to setting your goals, should you go all out for a really big dream, or perhaps play it a little safe? Obviously not every goal you set is going to be of space race proportions, but somewhere along the way, there’s some really good […]

7 Reasons why helping others is the key to your own success

Helping others as the key to your success Particularly if you’re in a competitive environment, it’s can be easy to overlook the impact that helping others can have on your success. Zig Ziglar famously said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” So […]